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Roman Catholic Parishes in Batangas

This page contains a listing of the parishes around the Province of Batangas; or in what is known in Roman Catholic parlance is the Archdiocese of Lipa. The parishes are listed in alphabetical order according to their vicariates. There are seven vicariates in all. Each parish is listed along with the city or municipality where it belongs and, in cases where there are multiple parishes in one city, also the district.

This list is provided for the convenience of those who go on annual church tours during the Lenten Season.

Immaculate ConceptionBalayan
San Antonio de Padua (proposed)Nasugbu (Kaylawayan)
St. Dominic of SilosCalatagan
St. Francis XavierNasugbu
St. John the BaptistLian
St. Raphael the ArchangelCalaca
St. Vincent FerrerTuy
Invencion dela Sta. CruzAlitagtag
Our Lady of the Miraculous MedalAgoncillo
Our Mother of Perpetual HelpAgoncillo
San Isidro LabradorCuenca
San Isidro LabradorSan Luis
San Nicolas de TolentinoSan Nicolas
Shrine of the Our Lady of CaysasayTaal
St. RochLemery
St. Therese of the Child JesusSta. Teresita
San Isidro LabradorBatangas City (San Isidro)
St. Mary EuphrasiaBatangas City (Kumintang Ilaya)
St. Michael the ArchangelBatangas City (Ilijan)
St. Michael the ArchangelLobo
St. Paul the ApostleBatangas City (Isla Verde)
Sta. Rita de CasiaBatangas City (Sta. Rita)
Most Holy TrinityBatangas City (Pallocan West)
Holy FamilyRosario
Most Holy RosaryPadre Garcia
Most Holy RosaryRosario (Alupay)
Nuestra Sra. Dela MercedTaysan
San Juan NepomucenoSan Juan
St. James the GreaterIbaan
St. JosephSan Jose
Nuesta Sen Dela Paz BuenviajeBalete
Our Lady of PeaceLipa City (Lodlod)
San Antonio de PaduaLipa City (Bolbok)
San Isidro LabradorLipa City (San Isidro)
San SebastianLipa City
San Vicente FerrerLipa City (San Vicente)
St. Therese (proposed)Lipa City (Talisay)
Sto. NiñoLipa City (Marauoy)
Sto. NiñoLipa City (Pinagtung-ulan)
Holy FamilyTanauan (Luyos)
Our Lady of the Immaculate ConceptionLaurel
Our Lady of the Immaculate ConceptionMalvar
Our Lady Queen of All SaintsTanauan (Balele)
San Pio ParishSto. Tomas (San Pedro)
St. John the EvangelistTanauan
St. Thomas the AquinasSto. Tomas
St. William the HermitTalisay
Sta. ClaraSto. Tomas (Sta. Clara)
Holy FamilyBauan (Bolo)
Immaculate ConceptionBauan
Our Lady of Perpetual HelpBauan (Aplaya)
San Pascual BaylonSan Pascual
St. Franics PaolaMabini
St. Mary MagdaleneSan Pascual (Bayanan)
St. RochTingloy

Acknowledgment: Philippine Churches