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Jigsaw Puzzles and Guinness World Records (A Pictorial Blog)

Some things just leave you speechless. For instance, 1,028 jigsaw puzzles. No, we’re not even talking about your idiot-friendly off-the-shelf jigsaws which even the intellectually challenged can complete while chewing butong pakwan.

How about a jigsaw with 32,000 pieces which when completed can adorn an entire wall as a work of art? Or 4D jigsaws of famous cities and their landmarks? Frankly, I didn’t even know they made those.

Well, you can see all of these at the Puzzle Mansion, something of a theme-park-cum-resort-cum-museum owned by Georgina Gil-Lacuna, who was recently awarded a Guinness World Record Certificate for having completed the most number of jigsaw puzzles in the entire world.

Gil-Lacuna’s collection, we were told by a very accommodating museum assistant, beat the previous record held by a Brazilian enthusiast by over 200 jigsaws. And she is working on more.

When she does, the chatty assistant continued, she would go for hours on end trying to put the pieces together, hardly even pausing to eat, rest or sleep. Oh, I know the type, I told the assistant.

It’s an artist at work.

The puzzles, mind, arrive in large boxes with the pieces of the jigsaws stuffed into several plastic bags inside their boxes depending on the size of each jigsaw. Pretty awesome, actually; and not for those not blessed with patience.

These are then all placed on a long table on which Gil-Lacuna patiently and methodically sifts through the pieces to determine which goes where. It’s not for everyone; that much I can say.

When done, the jigsaw finds pride of place inside the museum. Each jigsaw is conveniently labeled with the number of pieces as well as the number of hours it took Gil-Lacuna to complete it.

Puzzle Mansion is not easy to find. It’s off-road in Tagaytay City; and that is putting it lightly. Anyone going there will be better served just looking for the tarpaulin signs than asking for directions. These signs will be easier to spot coming from Nasugbu rather than Manila.

There is a PHP 100 entrance fee; but I think this is really dirt cheap considering the number of puzzles to gawk at. If you are the thorough sort and wish to examine each puzzle carefully, then you will need a few hours.

For those who are just looking for a peaceful getaway with a different twist, the museum also offers bed and breakfast. There is also a swimming pool to dip in and a garden to explore.

And this is not a paid advert. I just thought the place was awesome.

Here are the rest of the pictures:

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