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A Different Kind of Senior Moment

So maybe it was my fault. Or maybe not! Maybe it was the fault of my earphones.

So once again, I race ahead of the story. It really goes like this.

I went to the supermarket yesterday to replenish the fridge; and wanted to be back in time to cook lunch. The basket counter had a few people lined up before it; so I decided to find another cashier where the queue was not so discouraging.

There was this one close to the entrance to the supermarket which just had one elderly lady having her purchases punched in and a youngish Air Force soldier in camouflage fatigues behind her.

As I approached, the cashier said something to the soldier which I did not quite get. I had my earphones plugged in and Led Zep was doing ‘Kashmir.’ If you know Led Zep, then you know that the band was loud.

On the one hand, I was happy that I did not have to stand in line long just to pay for the goods that I had taken from off the supermarket shelves. This meant that I could be home with plenty of time to cook lunch at a leisurely pace.
Whatever the cashier told the soldier seemed embarrassing because the soldier seemed to have apologised and then hastily turned around to look for another counter.

Which was perfect for me because that meant that I was next to the elderly lady, who was already signing the credit card chit that the cashier prepared for her.

So, I proceeded to take my goods from out of the basket and laid them down carefully on the counter.

Four or five people lined up behind me; and before the cashier started punching in my purchases, she admonished them that the line was for senior citizens and persons with disabilities only.


Because I was close enough, despite my earphones, this time I heard.

I looked up and there was, indeed, a sign that said as much; albeit, the goddamned sign was easy enough to miss.

I momentarily thought of transferring to another counter; but that would have seemed silly because all my goods were already laid down on the counter.

Besides, the cashier had started to punch them in one by one. I had no recourse but to try to look completely disinterested.

Before long, the cashier was done and asked me for my card. My senior citizen’s card, she meant.

Which, of course, I did not have. Hmmmppphhh!!!

So I lifted my nose at her and tried to sound haughty as I said, “I will pay the whole amount!”

After she had given me my change and my receipt, I hurried away with my grocery bag. But talk about having mixed emotions from an experience.

On the one hand, I was happy that I did not have to stand in line long just to pay for the goods that I had taken from off the supermarket shelves. This meant that I could be home with plenty of time to cook lunch at a leisurely pace.

On the other hand…

Why did that silly cashier NOT send me away from that queue the way she did the others? That really ate at my gut!

I may be in my golden years but I am not quite ready to be promoted to the rank of senior just yet.

I could not really complain to anyone, so I texted my sister about what just happened. And she could not stop laughing at me.

Do not anyone get me wrong. I know I am not young anymore; but that said, I have gotten to that point in my life when I am no hurry to get there.

Ya know… When I have to produce a card…

But yesterday, boy that was a different kind of senior moment.

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