Some Very Telling Statistics on the Differences between Filipino Men and Women
A fact sheet on women and men in the Philippines offers some very interesting statistical differences between the genders in this country. The fact sheet was released last March 2016 by the Philippine Statistical Authority. The statistics in this sheet are comprehensive, but this article will only focus on certain areas which ought to be of interest to a wider audience.
There are more females than males in 2016.
As per 2016 estimates – logically based on the statistics derived from the 2015 National Census – there are slightly more Filipinas than Filipinos this year. At ground level, men appear to enjoy a bit more slack and can be choosier in their search for partners compared to women. Smiley.
51.2M | 51.1M |
Women live longer.
On the flip side, women on the average can expect to outlive their male counterparts by six years. These life expectancy estimates, however, are 2010 figures.
72.9 years | 66.9 years |
Women tend to have more education.
According to 2015 figures, in terms of percentage distribution of total population, while there are more males who have finished elementary school than females, there are however more females who have finished high school and college than males.
Finished | FEMALES | MALES |
Elementary | 11.2% | 12% |
High School | 21.9% | 20.9% |
College or Higher | 22.7% | 18.1% |
Women are into business, men into I.T.
According to 2014 CHED statistics, Business Administration is the most common course young women enrol in. Young men, meanwhile, have a tendency to go into Information Technology.
Men are less likely to become obese.
As a percentage of total population, as per 2013 statistics there are more women who are obese than men.
8.3% | 5.2% |
There are more working men than women.
The percentage of population participating in the labour force is heavily skewed in favour of men according to 2015 statistics. However, the distortion is influenced by the fact that a large number of the work force are labourers and unskilled workers.
49.6% | 76.9% |
There are slightly more female OFWs than males.
According to 2014 statistics, there are slightly more females working abroad as OFWs than males. Females working abroad are most likely to be common labourers and unskilled workers while males are likely to be in trade and related work.
1,170* | 1,149* |
Female household heads earn, spend and save more than men.
2012 statistics show that female heads of households tend to have higher annual earnings and expenditures and also save more money than males. These figures are likely a consequence of females generally having a higher educational attainment than males.
Average Annual Income | 258,000 | 228,000 |
Average Annual Expenditures | 207,000 | 188,000 |
Average Annual Savings | 51,000 | 39,000 |
Politics is overwhelmingly dominated by men.
According to 2013 COMELEC statistics, an overwhelming majority of elective public offices are occupied by males compared to females.
20% | 80% |
Women tend to be more media and tech savvy than men.
Although, in college, there are more men who go into Information Technology, surprisingly on the average more females as a percentage of their own gender tend to have more exposure to media and technology than men. Women are most likely to own a cellular phone, use the Internet and have e-mail and social networking accounts. However, men are more likely to have online and text friends whom they have not personally met.
Own cellular phone | 81% | 76% |
Use Internet | 61% | 57% |
Have e-mail account | 55% | 49% |
Have social network account | 56% | 50% |
Have personal blog | 2% | 2% |
Have OL friends never met | 28.8% | 32.7% |
Have text friends never met | 27.4% | 41.2% |
Men use media more for sexual purposes than women.
But naturally. Wink. According to 2013 statistics, more men use media and technology to read or view “inappropriate” materials compared to women, as the following table will show.
Read pornographic materials | 28.4% | 43.1% |
Watched pornographic movies | 38.1% | 75.8% |
Visited sexually explicit web sites | 5.1% | 26.4% |
Sent/received sex videos | 10.6% | 34.5% |
More males engaged in premarital sex, but more women with no protection.
Also as per 2013 statistics, more males have engaged in premarital sex as a percentage of gender than females. Crucially, more women did not use protection in their first instance of premarital sex.
Engaged in premarital sex | 28.7% | 35.5% |
No protection during first PMS | 83.8% | 73.4% |
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